The Bible in Its Traditions

Judith 6:22–25


22  Truly, when the Lord our God will give this freedom to his servants, may God also be with you in our midst, so that, just as it pleases you, everyone who is with you may keep company with us.”

22  Then the people fell down and worshipped God, and cried unto God. saying,

23  Then Uzziah, after the council was ended, received him into his own house, and he made him a great supper.

23  O Lord God of heaven, behold their pride, and pity the low estate of our nation, and look upon the face of those that are sanctified unto thee this day.

24  And all the elders were invited; together they refreshed themselves at the completion of their fast.

24  Then they comforted Achior, and praised him greatly.

25  In truth, after this, all the people were called together, and they prayed throughout the entire night within the assembly, petitioning help from the God of Israel.

25  And Ozias took him out of the assembly unto his house, and made a feast to the elders; and they called on the God of Israel all that night for help.