A project of the Bible in Its Traditions Research Program AISBL
Directed by the École Biblique et Archéologique in Jerusalem
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33 And when, being weary from these outcries, and tired from these weepings, they became silent,
34 Uzziah, rising up covered in tears, said: “Be steadfast in soul, brothers, and let us wait these five days for mercy from the Lord.
Jdt7:30 Then said Ozias to them, Brethren, be of good courage, let us yet endure five days, in the which space the Lord our God may turn his mercy toward us; for he will not forsake us utterly.
35 For perhaps he will break off his indignation and give glory to his own name.
Jdt7:31 And if these days pass, and there come no help unto us, I will do according to your word.
36 But if, with five days passing, help does not arrive, we will accomplish the words that you have spoken.”
Jdt7:32 And he dispersed the people, every one to their own charge; and they went unto the walls and towers of their city, and sent the women and children into their houses: and they were very low brought in the city.